Poetry Online
Six poems from Eurydics. Lute & Drum (November 2015).
“Traces 6: Quality time.” Cordite Poetry Review 33: The End (2016). http://cordite.org.au/
“Traces 1: Per Se.” Journal of Poetics Research 3. September 2015. http://poeticsresearch.com/?article=rachel-blau-duplessis-per-se
One poem from Eurydics: “Holding the mirror”
Churning the Ocean of Milk (a collage poem, 2014) Alligatorzine. http://www.alligatorzine.be/pages/151/zine160.html
“Dear R” from Interstices, 2014.
Poems from Interstices. thevolta.org. January 2014.
Rachel Blau DuPlessis in New Zealand-February-April 2012: a series of readings
“Draft 102: One-on-One.” read by DuPlessis. Jupiter 88: #47:
Translations of “Draft 111: Arte Povera” into French, Italian and Flemish, with the original English http://www.alligatorzine.be/pages/zine.html as numbers 145, 146, 147, 148. Translations by J-P Auxeméry, Renata Morresi, Kurt Devrese.
“Draft 104: The Book.” Critiphoria (April 2010). http://www.critiphoria.org/Issue2/Rachel_Blau_DuPlessis_Issue2.pdf
“Draft 35: Verso” in 5_Trope (on line journal). www.webdelsol.com/5 trope/5 T 10. htm Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
“Draft 42: Epistle, Studios,” Jacket 14. http://www.jacket.zip.com.au/jacket14/duplessis.html
“Draft 43: Gap” and “Draft 44: Stretto,” HOW 2 (vol. 2, 1). Spring 2003. http://www.asu.edu/pipercwcenter/how2journal/archive/online_archive/v2_1_2003/current/new_writing/duplessis.htm
“Draft 43: Gap” dc poetry http://www.dcpoetry.com/anth2002/duplessis.htm
“Draft 47: Printed Matter” and “Draft 51: Clay Songs” in Free Verse (Winter 2003). http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/freeverse/Archives/Winter_2003/poems/R_Duplessis.htm
from “Draft 48: Being Astonished.” Swirl 1 http://www.geocities.com/swirlzine/
“Draft 49: Turns, and Turns, an Interpretation” republished in two parts: “Turns” http://www.fieralingue.it/corner.php?pa=printpage&pid=3147
and “Turns, an Interpretation” http://www.fieralingue.it/corner.php?pa=printpage&pid=3145
“Draft 51: Clay Songs,” mark(s)zine http://www.markszine.com/index.html
“Draft 57: Workplace, Nekuia.” http://www.logopoeialogopoeia.da.ru
“Draft 59: Flash Back” (revised) and “Draft 60: Rebus” republished on PFS Post. www.artrecess.blogspot.com, accessed December 2005 along with brief Interview with Adam Fieled.
“Draft 59: Flash Back.” Web Conjunctions. http://www.conjunctions.com/wcidx.htm
“Draft 64: Forward Slash” and “Draft 65: That.” Fugacity 05. http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac/nz/features/fugacity/duplessis.asp
“Draft 65: That.” http://electiveaffinitiesusa.blogspot.com/2010/10/rachel-blau-duplessis.html
“Draft 66: Scroll.” Jacket 28 (October 2005). http://www.jacketmagazine.com/28/duplessis.html
“Draft 71: Headlines with Spoils.” in the “Women and Eco-poetics” special feature. How2, 3. 2 (Fall 2007 [Spring 2008]), on-line. http://www.asu.edu/pipercwcenter/how2journal/vol_3_no_2/ecopoetics/index.html
“Draft 73: Vertigo.” Jacket 29 (Spring 2006). http://www.jacketmagazine.com/29/duplessis-d73.html
“Draft 74: Wanderer.” Fascicle 3 (Summer 2006-Winter 2007). www.fascicle.com/issue03/main/contents03.htm
“Draft 78: Buzz Track.” Interval(le)s II.2-III.3 (Fall 2008/Winter 2009)www.cipa.ulg.ac.be/intervalles4/21_duplessis.pdf
“Draft 81: Gap.” BlackBox Manifold (Summer 2009). http://www.manifold.group.shef.ac.uk/
“Draft 83: Listings.” Alligatorzine (November 2007). Number 50. http://www.alligatorzine.be/pages/zine.html
“Draft 84: Juncture” (March 2009) http://www.saltpublishing.com/saltmagazine/issues/02/text/DuPlessis_Rachel_Blau.htm
“Draft 85: Hard Copy.” Web Conjunctions (September 2007). http://www.conjunctions.com/webcon/duplessis07.htm
“Draft 86: Scarpbook.” Love, War & Last Things. Michele Leggott, ed. (2008) www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/florence.asp
one section from “Draft 87: Trace Elements.”http://versemag.blogspot.com/2009/07/rachel-blau-duplessis-from-verse.html
“Draft 88: X-Posting.” Jacket Magazine 35 (December 2007) http://jacketmagazine.com/35/duplessis-draft88.shtml
“Draft 89: Interrogation.” Jacket Magazine (December 2007) http://jacketmagazine.com/35/duplessis-draft89.shtml
“Draft 91: Proverbs.” 17 seconds: a journal of poetry and poetics. Fall 2008. http://www.ottawater.com/seventeenseconds/Issue_1.htm
“Draft 92: Translocation.” EOAGH 5 (Fall 2009). http://eoagh.com/issuefive/duplessis.html
“Draft 94: Mail Art.” Jacket Magazine 37 (March 2009) http://jacketmagazine.com/37/ma38.shtml
Draft 96: VelocityAll Together Now: A Digital Bridge for Auckland and Sydney, 2010. http://www.nzepc.auckland.ac.nz/features/home&away/duplessis-sydney.asp
“Draft 97: Rubrics.” BlackBox Manifold (Summer 2009). http://www.manifold.group.shef.ac.uk/
“Draft 98: Canzone.” Jacket Magazine 38 (Fall 2009). http://jacketmagazine.com/38/duplessis-draft98l.shtml
see also
“Draft 99: Intransitive.” Jacket Magazine 38 (Fall 2009). http://jacketmagazine.com/38/duplessis-draft99redacted.shtml
“Draft 101: Puppet Opera.” ESQUE 1 (September 2010). http://www.wix.com/poetries/esque1#!issue1-ifesto/vstc3=page-5
“Draft 102: One-on-One” read by DuPlessis http://JUPITER88poetry.blogspot.com
“Draft 104: The Book” http://www.critiphoria.org/Issue2/Rachel_Blau_DuPlessis_Issue2.pdf
Selection from “Draft CX: Primer” Dear Navigator 1 (September 2010). Five collage poems http://www.saic.edu/dearnavigator
“Draft 109: Wall Newspaper.” Jacket 2 (posted December 14, 2011). Found at jacket2.org/feature/drafting-beyond-ending
Draft 112: Verge.” Alligatorzine. June 2012 www.alligatorzine.be/pages/101/zine131.html
1980 Wells. New York: Montemora Editions. Selected for the Duration Press Online Out of Print Book Archives, 1999. http://www.durationpress.com
All poems to date (2009) on the “line of 15” or, little. Other Voices Anthology, ed. Roger Humes. http://www.othervoicespoetry.org/vol39/duplessis/index.html
Translations of poetry on line
Draft XXX: Fosse as Nacrt XXX into Serbian (translated by Vladimir Stojnic) http://www.agoncasopis.com/
“Brouillon 72: Nanifeste” (translated by Chris Tysh). Alligatorzine (November 2007). Number 49.
“Brouillon XXX: Fosse” (translated by Chris Tysh), Alligatorzine (November 2007). Number 48.
“Brouillon 42: Epître, Studios” (translated by J-P Auxémery), Alligatorzine (November 2007). Number 47
all http://www.alligatorzine.be/pages/zine.html